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Local News

Foster City Residents, a Heads Up

Dear Councilmember Sam Hindi,

I was happy to see that the council has put the flavored tobacco ban back on the agenda. I know you recused yourself as an owner of a mini-mart that sells these flavored tobacco products. But, it has come to my attention that the ONLY reason Mayor Awasthi put this issue back on the agenda is because Jerry Hill threatened to pull his endorsement of her campaign. Pretty self-serving.

But, getting back to you, and speaking of self-serving, instead of leading from behind, recusing and sitting on your wallet, you could have put Foster City children before profits at anytime. But that’s not who you are. No, you are all about what serves your interests best. Residents, even children, mean nothing.

I know this, because that is how you’ve conducted yourself as a Councilmember for too many years. Making yourself mayor two years in a row. Aligning yourself with recalled Councilmember Herb Perez and Charlie Bronitsky, never repudiating Perez’ abusive treatment of residents and staff……doesn’t matter, as long as you held power. You made promises to me in a face to face meeting, when you were running for re-election, that you broke. No big deal. You have the power. As long as either Awasthi or Adams is elected, you’re good. You keep your power. If the balance of power were to somehow change, as it did in 2020, no problem, you’ll just change allegiances once again.

You, Richa Awasthi, Patrick Sullivan and Evan Adams are what is wrong with politics in your city. I repudiate you and everyone like you. I grew up in Foster City and lived here for 50 years. People like you, Bronitsky, Awasthi, Sullivan and Adams are not what Foster City represents. Never will.


Jeff Regan

Former Resident 1969-2019

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